New Year Resolutions: Achieving a Balanced Body, Mind, and Soul in the Coming Year

New Year Resolutions, the annual tradition where we make promises to ourselves that we’ll inevitably break by February. But let’s not focus on the failure rate, let’s focus on the potential for success. We all know that feeling when we’re not quite sure if we’re living our best lives. That’s why this year, let’s make resolutions that focus on achieving balance in our bodies, minds, and souls.


 Physical health is like the foundation of a house, without it the rest of the structure is shaky. It’s important to take care of our bodies so that we can do all the things we want to do in life.

Exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand, like peanut butter and jelly or Netflix and chill. One without the other just isn’t as satisfying.

Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine doesn’t have to be a chore. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk during lunch break, or try a quick at-home workout. Small changes can make a big difference.

 Setting fitness goals can be daunting but remember to start small and be realistic. Instead of aiming to run a marathon in a month, start with a goal to run a mile without stopping. And remember, progress not perfection.

 Taking care of our bodies also impacts our minds and souls. When we’re feeling good physically, it’s easier to focus on our mental and emotional well-being. And when our minds and souls are in a good place, it’s easier to make healthy choices for our bodies.

II. Mind

Just like our physical health, our mental health is crucial for our overall well-being. It’s important to take care of our brains, just like we take care of our bodies.

 Self-care and mindfulness are like the superheroes of mental health. They come to the rescue when we’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

Practicing self-care doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It can be as simple as taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, or going for a walk. You can also make time to meditate, journal, or listen to your favourite music. Self-care is all about finding activities that make you feel good. It can also be about spending time with friends and family, or even taking a day off to relax and recharge. Make sure to make self-care a priority and schedule it in your daily routine.

Tips for setting and achieving mental health goals:

 A. Start small: Don’t try to change everything at once, start with small and achievable goals.

 B. Be specific: Instead of setting a general goal like “improve my mental health”, set specific goals like “practice mindfulness for 10 minutes a day” or “dedicate 30 minutes a day to self-care activities”

C. Be consistent: Practice self-care and mindfulness regularly, make it a habit.

 D. Be patient: It’s important to remember that progress takes time, and progress can be small, but progress is progress. Celebrate your small victories.

E. Get support: Reach out to friends and family, or even professional help if necessary. Remember you’re not alone on this journey.

F. Don’t be too hard on yourself: Sometimes, things don’t go as planned and that’s okay. Be kind to yourself and don’t give up, keep moving forward.

 G. Have fun: Remember that self-care and mindfulness can be enjoyable activities, make it fun, and find what you enjoy.

III. Soul

Spiritual health is like the cherry on top of the sundae of wellness. It’s the sense of connection and purpose that gives our lives meaning and fulfilment.

 Connection and purpose are like two peas in a pod, one can’t exist without the other. It’s important to find a sense of connection with oneself and others, as well as having a sense of purpose in life. This can be found through religion, spirituality, or personal beliefs. It could be through volunteering, giving back to the community, or even pursuing a passion or hobby.

 Connecting with oneself can be as simple as taking a few minutes to meditate or journal. It could be through yoga, spending time in nature, or going for a walk. Connecting with others can be as easy as making time for regular catchups with friends, volunteering in the community, or joining a group or club that shares your interest.

Tips for setting and achieving spiritual growth goals:

It’s important to remember that spiritual growth is a personal and unique journey, what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different activities and find what resonates with you, and make sure to keep an open mind.

So, as we close out this article, let’s raise a glass (or a carrot stick, if that’s more your style) to a healthier and happier new year.