21 essential questions to ask in a new relationship

When you’re in a new relationship, it’s natural to want to get to know your partner and build a strong connection. One of the best ways to do this is by asking questions. Asking the right questions can help you to learn more about your partner, understand their perspective and values, and foster communication and understanding in your relationship. Asking the right questions in a new relationship can help to build a strong foundation and foster understanding, connection, and communication. By taking the time to ask thoughtful and meaningful questions, you can get to know your partner on a deeper level and create a strong foundation for a healthy and happy relationship.

Questions about values and goals

1.What matters most to you in life? Knowing your partner’s values and priorities can help you get a sense of what’s important to them. Are honesty, loyalty, or family top of mind for them? Or maybe it’s personal growth or their career?

2.What are your long-term goals and aspirations?

Asking about your partner’s long-term goals and aspirations can help you understand what they hope to achieve in life. Maybe they have a dream job they’re working towards, or a certain lifestyle they’d like to have. It’s always interesting to see how our goals align (or don’t!) with our partner’s.

3.How do you see yourself in the future?

This question can help you understand your partner’s plans and goals for the future. Do they see themselves settling down and starting a family, or do they have other plans in mind? It’s a good way to get a sense of what they hope for their life and career.

Questions about communication and conflict resolution

 4.How do you like to communicate with your partner?

 Communication is key in any relationship, so it’s important to know how your partner prefers to communicate. Do they like to talk things out, or do they prefer to write or text? Knowing your partner’s preferred mode of communication can help you to connect and communicate more effectively.

5.How do you handle conflicts or disagreement in a relationship?

 Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, but it’s important to know how your partner handles disagreement. Do they like to talk things through and find a resolution, or do they prefer to avoid confrontation? Knowing your partner’s conflict resolution style can help you to navigate conflicts more smoothly.

 6.How do you express love and affection?

 Everyone has their own way of showing love and affection, so it’s important to know how your partner expresses their feelings. Do they like physical affection, or do they prefer to show their love through words or actions? Knowing how your partner expresses love can help you to feel more connected and loved in your relationship.

Questions about family and relationships

7.What’s your relationship like with your family?

Do you have a close-knit family that you love spending time with, or are you more of a lone wolf? Knowing your partner’s relationship with their family can give you a sense of how they were raised and what kind of family dynamic they’re used to.

8.How do you envision your future family?

Do you want a big family with lots of kids, or do you see yourself as a small and intimate family unit? It’s always interesting to see how our vision of a future family aligns (or doesn’t!) with our partner’s.

9.What are your expectations for a partner in terms of their relationship with your family?

Do you want a partner who is close with your family and enjoys spending time with them, or do you prefer to keep your family and relationship separate? Knowing your partner’s expectations for their relationship with your family can help you to understand their boundaries and needs.

Questions about past experiences and relationship history

10.What’s your relationship history like?

 We’ve all had our fair share of ups and downs when it comes to relationships, and it’s always interesting to learn about our partner’s past experiences. Do they have a long list of exes, or are they more of a serial monogamist?

11.What did you learn from your past relationships?

We can all learn something from our past relationships, whether it’s what we want in a partner or what we don’t want. It’s always interesting to hear what our partner has learned from their past experiences.

12.What are your dealbreakers in a relationship?

We all have our own boundaries and non-negotiables when it comes to relationships, and it’s important to know what our partner’s dealbreakers are. Do they have a strict “no cheating” policy, or do they have other boundaries they’re not willing to cross? Knowing your partner’s dealbreakers can help you to understand their values and what they’re looking for in a relationship.

Questions about personal interests and hobbies

13.What do you like to do in your free time?

 It’s always interesting to learn about our partner’s hobbies and interests. Do they like to stay active and get outdoors, or do they prefer more low-key activities like reading or watching movies?

14.What are your passions and interests?

We all have things that we’re passionate about, whether it’s a hobby or a cause we care about. It’s always interesting to learn what our partner is passionate about and what gets them excited.

15.How do you like to spend your weekends?

Everyone has their own idea of a perfect weekend, whether it’s relaxing at home or getting out and about. It’s always interesting to see how our partner likes to spend their weekends and if it aligns with our own preferences.

Questions about finances

16. How do you handle money and budgeting in a relationship?

Money can be a tricky topic to discuss, but it’s important to make sure you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to finances. Do you both like to save and budget, or are you more spontaneous with your spending?

17. How do you feel about saving, spending, and investing?

 Everyone has their own feelings about money and how they like to use it. It’s important to know where your partner stands on these issues, so you can see if you’re on the same financial wavelength.

18. Do you have any financial goals or aspirations that you would like to achieve as a couple?

 Whether it’s saving for a house, paying off debt, or investing in your future, it’s always good to know what your partner’s financial goals are and how you can support each other in achieving them.

Questions about parenting and family planning

19.Do you want to have children? If so, how many and when?

Bringing children into the world is a big decision, and it’s important to make sure you and your partner are on the same page. Do you both want kids, and if so, how many and when do you envision starting a family?

20. How do you envision parenting and raising children together?

Parenting is a team effort, and it’s important to have a shared vision for how you want to raise your kids. Do you both have similar parenting styles, or do you have different approaches?

21.What are your expectations for a partner in terms of their role as a parent?

It’s important to have clear expectations for your partner’s role as a parent, whether that means sharing responsibilities equally or taking on different roles. Make sure you both know what you expect from each other as parents.

If you’re in a new relationship and want to make sure you’re on the same page, take the time to ask these 21 essential questions. It might seem intimidating at first but trust us – it’s worth it! Asking these questions can help you to understand your partner better and build a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. So don’t be afraid to ask away.